
How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?

How many units of alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?

1 Pint of Beer (ABV 5.2%) 3 Units
1 Can of Beer 440ml (ABV 4.5%) 2 Units
1 single Whisky 25ml (ABV 40%) 1 Unit
1 small glass wine 125ml (ABV 12%) 1.5 Unit
1 large glass wine 250ml (ABV 12%) 3 Units
Alcopop 275ml (ABV 5.5%) 1.5 Unit

How often have you had 8 or more units on a single occasion in the last year?

3 Pints of Beer (ABV 5.2%) 9 Units
3 large glasses wine 250ml (ABV 12%) 9 Units
4 double Spirits 25ml (ABV 40%) 8 Units
4 Glasses of champagne 275ml (ABV 5.5%) 8 Units