What is Binge Drinking?

Drinking a lot of alcohol in one go can be dangerous in different ways - the main risks are injury to yourself and others - as well as mishaps, accidents and regret.

Intoxication can lead to misjudgement, lack of control and recklessness.

If you are in a new or risky situation, you are less likely to protect yourself well if you've been binge drinking. 

Drinking 5-7 units in a 3-6 hour period increases the risk of injury between two and five times.  

The weekly guidelines is to stick to 14 units or less per week – and to spread your drinking out over 3 days or more.

You can keep the risks low by:

  • limiting the total amount of alcohol you drink on any single occasion
  • drinking more slowly, drinking with food, and alternating with water
  • planning ahead to avoid problems e.g. by making sure you can get home safely or that you have people you trust with you

Binge drinking can be particulalrly risky when you're with strangers, involved in a car journey (passenger or driver) or taking public transport. 

Keep safe – stick to the guidelines




Ahn illustration guidelines

What about drinking at home?

Drinking more than the recommended levels at home is also dangerous - you are more susceptible to falls, fires, accidents and mishaps when drinking too much, even at home.

In addition, the health risks from binge drinking remain even when drinking at home - increasing the risk of cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and strokes.  

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